Nintendask Wikia

AskTheGatr is the main blog for the muse Jacob "Gatr" Ordile. The side rp blog is TheGatrRPs and the mun's personal blog is KaihatsuBlogs

Jacob "Gatr" Ordile
Vital statistics
Position Head Guard at New Bean Castle
Age 26
Status Unknown
Physical attributes
Height 7 foot and 11 inches
Weight 245 pounds


AskTheGatr is the main blog for the character known as Gatr to many and Jacob to his close ones. Gatr's apperance can give off a bad look as he's usually seen with an angered expression and arms crossed but if approached correctly he has a very nice side to him. Gatr comes from a bad neighborhood from the Johto region in which he was cared for mostly by his brother and sister, his parents on the other hand were terrible people who had abused him since he could walk. After about 17 years of this he left home and wandered aimlessly for 9 years before finally finding himself here in the Nintendask world.
